Chapter Rides and Projects

John’s Creek Work Project June 2-3

Members of Twin Rivers BCH accepted a project with the Nez Perce-Clearwater N F to clear a popular loop ride that is accessible much earlier in the year than most trails we volunteer on. The trails cleared were off the South Fork Clearwater River. The loop is eleven miles long and include three trails, Snoose Creek # 407, Frank Brown # 401, Blue Ridge # 478. Seven members showed up Sunday morning at the John’s Creek Trailhead with sharp chainsaws and brush cutters and of coarse PPE. We had three pack animals and crews, with two crews taking the upper Frank Brown Trail and the other crew heading up John’s Creek. The plan was to meet in the middle when the work was completed which we did accomplish. On the upper trail there were thirty trees to cut with many smaller ones to drag out that had fallen across the trail since last year. The John’s Creek crew had about eight larger trees and cut some small trees that were within clearing widths. There was about a quarter mile of trail that we had time to brush to standards before it became time to load up and head back to the trailhead. The weather report was for up to one inch of rain. With a miracle from mother nature, we had no rain during the work but it did start sprinkling about five minutes from the trailhead. It was a fantastic day! There were five of us that headed up to Leggett Camping Area for a potluck. BBQ spareribs, several great salads, fresh veggies, watermelon and huckleberry pie for dessert. We spent the night socializing in Karen’s travel trailer as we listened to the rain. We decided to forgo Monday doing more brushing as it rained solid all night and the trails would be muddy. Thanks everyone for helping get this popular trail open.

Dough Creek Adopt-A Cabin June 8th

Dough Creek Cabin is located in Craig Mountain WMA south of Lewiston, ID. Twin Rivers BCH has been doing annual maintenance at this cabin since 2008. Our objective is to create a fire break to save the structures from wild fires. There are several cabins on Craig Mountain like this one that are open for public enjoyment free of charge. The cabins are pretty well stock and most times you only need a bottle of propane, water filter, your food and personal gear and you are set for the night.  First come first served!